Senin, 22 November 2010


I know Thanksgiving isn't until Thursday, but I decided to blog about it early. I won't be blogging Thursday because I will be too busy stuffing my jibs with turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, rolls, cranberries, and God only knows what else.

My daughter, Nissa, is cooking only the second turkey in her life and if her small practice turkey a few weeks ago is any indication, it will be delish! Family will bring all the fixings over to Grandma's house and we will celebrate and give thanks that we are all together on this very special day.

There will be many family members and friends not present, but we know they will be celebrating and giving thanks in their own part of the world. My daughter, Kimberry, as her name is pronounced in Thailand, will be working hard teaching in that country. To those loved ones who have passed, we light candles at the table in remembrance. It's a tradition that fills us with love and peace.

We will surely remember and give thanks to all our servicemen and women who are risking all so that we may live in a country that provides so very much for our freedom to celebrate and worship according to our individual beliefs. We also are thankful for the care our wounded solders are receiving and wish them a blessed Thanksgiving.

We also will give thanks to our fellow countrymen and women who work hard to support and maintain households that raise and nurture children who are the future of our great nation.

Americans are a giving people which is demonstrated by the effort to provide Thanksgiving food to the less fortunate through donations and volunteerism.

There is so much to be thankful for. I wish everyone a wonderful turkey day and remember to leave room for dessert. I just hope there is turkey left over for sandwiches the next day. Yummy!

I'm just saying, Happy Thanksgiving!


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