Chief Joseph
You might ask why the Mittster is going off on a tirade about Indian treaties and wars. Actually I am not; the tirade is going to be about our Republican Party and how the whole sorted mess makes me think that I am not going to fight about who should be running against President Obama no more forever. In fact, I want to go live on a reservation somewhere that is lacking in electricity, radio, television or any manner of communications.
President Obama is watching this fiasco with a grin ear to ear while counting the money he will not have to spend getting reelected. The Republican Party has already reelected the current President hands down. It’s just a matter of the Democrats waiting out the rest of the Republican Party comedy act until the November general elections.
I hate writing blogs about politics, but how can I not say something about the cartoon characters debating each other on national television while each and every time proving we don’t have anyone worth electing to the town council of Po Dunk, Idaho, let alone to the Presidency of the United States of America.
President Barack Obama
While I have been a lifetime Republican, I cannot help but marvel at the professionalism of President Barack Obama. Everything he does and says speaks presidential. I may not like his politics, but I like the man. Let’s face it, he projects the kind of professionalism needed to gain the respect of world leaders who look to us for leadership. For those leaders who do not look to us for anything but grief, Donald Trump could be president and they wouldn’t care. Speaking of "The Donald," I truly think he is a worthy Republican opponent compared to the current field of want-to-be presidents. If you are going to act cartoonish, at least look the part.
Donald Trump
Just for giggles (because I don’t want to cry), I here and now throw in Clint Eastwood’s name as a write-in Republican candidate.
Clint Eastwood
He looks presidential, has some political experience, and is tough as nails. If I could do just half of what he accomplishes daily at his age, I would be more than satisfied. One thing is for sure, if any of the other candidates give him any crap at the next debate, he would look down at them and say, “Make my day!” Glory be – that would be a sight to behold.
I’m just saying,
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