Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

From There to Here

The newest hobby my ex-Navy daughter has taken up is cooking from scratch while trying to juggle a full-time job and full-time studies at Northern Arizona University.

After a twelve-year stint in the Navy, which included a tour in Iraq, she is close to a college degree. When she left the service and joined her stepmother and me here in Camp Verde, Arizona, she had enough credits for most degrees, but unfortunately they were not the specific ones necessary. It is hard to take the proper classes when you are traveling around the world in a nuclear submarine tender and then on a nuclear aircraft carrier.

The positive side from my perspective is all the homemade food my wife and I get to enjoy because we have a ready- made chef less than a block away. There have been some disasters, but they are rare indeed. We discreetly dispose of failures while praising the triumphs.

I really don't know what we are going to do once she graduates and moves away into her future. We are really quite spoiled, you know. Perhaps a diet to start? Oh well, in the meantime; yum, can you bring more Cornish game hens, or how about some more biscuits? "Don't forget the mac and cheese," my wife calls out over my shoulder. And, I get the last word with; "cream cheese filled tarts would be nice."

After leaving for the walk back to her house, she is probably thinking, "Good grief, chief, what kind of food monsters have I created?"

I'm just saying,


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