Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Scooters Ready

I was up at 1:30 a.m. today so I could work on two projects we are estimating in Sedona, Arizona. Why, you might ask? It’s simple; my Harley is ready at Buddy Stubbs in Phoenix after they fixed a brake problem and I am out of here at 10:00 to pick it up – that’s why!

The garage has been empty for two weeks now. The fact that the monsoon has dumped on us every freaking day doesn’t matter. What matters is having my V-Rod sitting all clean and beautiful so I can grab a cup of coffee, my little wheeled work bench, and scoot around the bike anytime day or night to help forget about numbers and work for a while.

For those of you who are not interested in motorcycles but have a sport or classic car that is a real passion, you know exactly what I mean. I was starting to go through withdrawal and the feeling wasn’t very nice.

It will be good to have baby where she belongs, and I look forward to riding her back to Camp Verde today. Will it rain? Who cares! It’s not like I am a rain virgin, or any other kind of virgin for that matter.

I’m just saying,


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