Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

On The Harley Therapeutic Trail

I was sitting here this morning looking at my "Painted Pony" Motorcycle Mustang figurine, (click title) thinking about how riding was therapeutic....

Yesterday was the perfect riding day. Bright sunshine, fresh air, slight coolness in the wind as it caressed my face and riding companions smiling as we headed south out of Camp Verde, Arizona, after a huge and satisfying breakfast.

Our destination was nowhere in particular, just riding off stress and tension from the proceeding week. Every mile ridden translates into less tension and every mile smiling means less stress. This is the best therapy money can't buy!

We stopped at Grand Canyon Harley-Davidson, in Mayer, long enough to get a cold drink and drool on the new bike offerings. I don't care how many times I stop at this store, I want to ride one of the new bikes home, knowing I can't afford the divorce.

After satisfying our thirst for cold liquid and cool bikes, we headed north toward Prescott Valley. Just before we reached the valley, my Road King's shifting lever broke and we limped back to the Harley store for repairs. No one complained, simply because it's all about the ride and not the destination. Besides, I wanted to look at a fantastic Harley trike again anyway.

About an hour later the King was fixed and we decided, because of the late start, we would head back to the Verde Valley and save the trip over Mingus Mountain, through Jerome and Cottonwood for another day. Later that day we all called in to each other to make sure everyone made it home safely. It was a fitting end to a day trip through God's country.

Write on,


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